Pharmacy (Direction of traditional Chinese Medicine)
January 1, 2021 Author:admin RETURN

1. Professional training goals and requirements

(1) Training goals

The major of Chinese pharmacy is trained to meet the needs of socialist modernization and the development of Chinese medicine. It has basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills of Chinese pharmacy, masters certain humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, and has good ideological and moral, professional qualities, and innovative consciousness And graduates of social service capabilities. Master the corresponding scientific methods and have the ability to learn independently and for life. Achieve coordinated development of knowledge, ability and quality. Possess traditional Chinese medicine thinking and knowledge of traditional Chinese culture, have the ability to inherit traditional Chinese medicine theories and technologies, and be able to work in the production, testing and pharmaceutical services of Chinese medicine, and in the education, research, management, circulation, international exchange and cultural communication of Chinese medicine And other industries have development potential.

(2) knowledge goal

①Master the natural science, life science, humanities and social science methods related to Chinese pharmacy, which can be used to guide future learning and practice.

②Familiar with the development trends and cutting-edge information of relevant disciplines of Chinese pharmacy.

③Master the pharmaceutical management laws and regulations, and be familiar with the development guidelines and policies of the pharmaceutical industry.

④Master the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, the theory of traditional Chinese medicine properties and the basic laws of traditional Chinese medicine.

⑤Master the basic knowledge of the effective material basis of Chinese medicine and its mechanism of action, and understand its significance for the research, production and quality evaluation of Chinese medicine.

⑥ Master the basic theories and foundations of traditional Chinese medicine production process, Chinese medicine inspection and quality evaluation.

⑦Master the basic knowledge of pharmacy service, and be familiar with the basic content of pharmacy service.

⑨ Familiar with the philosophy, literature, history and other content of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

(3) Ability target

① Have the basic ability to use comprehensive theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems in the production and application of traditional Chinese medicine, and the basic ability to conduct scientific research using modern science and technology and methods.

②Have the ability to use books and materials and modern information technology to acquire new knowledge and information at home and abroad, have the ability to read traditional Chinese medicine documents and use a foreign language to read related documents.

③ Have the ability to use Chinese medicine thinking, express and pass on the theory and technology of Chinese medicine.

④ Have the basic ability to engage in traditional Chinese medicine production.

⑤ Have the basic ability to correctly evaluate the quality of Chinese medicine.

⑥Have the basic ability to engage in pharmaceutical services.

⑦ has the basic ability to use modern scientific technology and methods to conduct scientific research in Chinese pharmacy.

⑧ Have the ability to communicate with drug users and personnel in the pharmaceutical industry, and have the ability to unite and cooperate.

2. School system and degree

(1) Implement a flexible educational system. The basic academic system of this major is 4 years, and students can complete their studies in 3-7 years.

(2) Graduates who meet the requirements of the Degree Regulations will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree.

3. Graduation requirements

The total graduation credits are 170 credits, including 102 credits for compulsory courses (38 credits for public basic platform courses, 37.5 credits for basic platform courses of disciplines, 26.5 credits for basic platform courses for majors); 45 credits for elective courses (29 credits for major optional courses, optional courses for majors) 8 credits, 8 credits for public elective courses); 23 credits for practical teaching (including 7 credits for "special credits").

4. Course setting

Subject basic platform courses: Advanced Mathematics C, Inorganic Chemistry, Physics, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Biochemistry.

Professional basic platform courses: Basic Chinese Medicine, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Clinical Chinese Medicine, Chinese Medicine Chemistry, Pharmacology, Chinese Medicine Identification, Chinese Medicine Analysis.

Professional limited elective courses: TCM diagnostics, prescriptions, TCM processing, TCM pharmacy, TCM classical literature, TCM pharmacology, microbiology and immunology, drug Latin, medicinal botany, pharmacy management, literature retrieval