Master of Chinese Materia Medica (1056)
January 1, 2021 Author:admin RETURN

Cultivation plan for postgraduates of Chinese pharmacy

1. Subject name and code

Subject name: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Subject code: 1056

2. Professional Introduction

In order to meet the urgent demand for Chinese pharmacy professionals in the development of Chinese medicine, improve the Chinese pharmacy talent training system, innovate the Chinese pharmacy talent training model, and improve the quality of Chinese pharmacy talent training, specially set up a master's degree in Chinese pharmacy. The major of Chinese pharmacy is a discipline that introduces the basic theories of Chinese medicine and the theories of the sources, production, performance, efficacy and clinical application of various Chinese medicines. At the same time, it also involves the development, production, management, quality control, quality supervision of Chinese patent medicines and pharmaceutical management of new Chinese medicines. The education of this degree focuses on cultivating students to master the basic theories, advanced technical methods and methods in the field they are engaged in. In a certain direction of the field, they can independently engage in the process design of Chinese medicine production, the research and development of new Chinese medicines, the quality supervision of Chinese patent medicines, and the affairs of Chinese patent medicine Management and management of traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing enterprises.

3. Training goals

(1) Master the basic theories of Marxism and establish a correct outlook on the world, life and values. Love the motherland, abide by the law and have good morals. He has a rigorous and pragmatic, innovative academic attitude, solidarity and cooperation, a hard and simple work style, and a dedication to actively serve the socialist modernization drive.

(2) Master the basic theories and professional skills of this discipline, cultivate practical ability and innovative spirit, combine actual work to find problems, ask questions, analyze and solve problems, and be competent in the production of traditional Chinese medicine, quality evaluation and control, new drug development, registration application, circulation management, High-level and applied TCM professionals in rational use, clinical and social services.

(3) Familiar with a foreign language, be able to carry out academic research and communication, and be able to use computers and modern information tools; have the ability to publish papers in academic journals; the dissertation should have certain academic significance, application value and certain innovation .

4. Years of study

The form of study is full-time, and the study period is 2~3 years. The course study is 1 year, professional practice and thesis writing time is 1~2 years, the degree thesis is completed and the defense is passed. Those who have completed all the courses and other training links stipulated in the training program in advance, have excellent grades, outstanding scientific research ability, completed a dissertation, and meet the relevant requirements of the school may apply for early graduation. For those who fail to meet the requirements of the training plan within the above-mentioned time, graduation can be postponed, but the maximum length of the master's degree in school shall not exceed 4 years.

5. Majors and research directions

(1) Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology

(2) Chinese medicine inspection and analysis

(3) Hospital dispensing and preparation

(4) Research and regulations on new Chinese medicine

6. Credit requirements

The credits are divided into two parts: course credits and thesis credits. The course credits are divided into credits obtained by graduate students according to the subject and professional curriculum settings, through classroom learning and course assessment, including the school's public required courses, public basic courses, professional basic courses, professional elective courses and supplementary courses Course credits and academic activities and practice credits; thesis credits are divided into credits obtained in each link of the graduate training process, including the opening report, mid-term assessment, pre-defense, and thesis.

Graduate students must pass the course examination or examination according to the training plan. A score of 70 points or more (100 points system) is required to obtain credits. Retakes must be carried out according to the teaching plan along with the teaching plan of the next level, and the test scores organized separately are invalid, unless the actual teaching situation changes and the next level does not offer corresponding courses.

During the postgraduate study period, students must participate in various academic activities and fill in the academic activity record form to record the content and achievements of academic activities. Master's degree students participate in at least 10 academic activities in this discipline and related disciplines, and give lectures at least 2 times, that is, 1 credit.

During the period of the graduate students, internship and practical training are required. The internship time is arranged by the instructor. After completing the practical link and passing the assessment, you will receive 1 credit for the course.

Master's degree course credits Common compulsory courses 6 credits ≥ 32 credits (No less than 24 credits for compulsory courses and no less than 8 credits for elective courses)

7. Training methods and methods

Adhere to the principle of combining theory with practice and learning in practice.

(1) Adopt a full-time management model, and implement a model of cooperative training between the training unit and the practice department.

(2) Implement a dual tutor system. Employ postgraduate instructors in school and practice units respectively. The in-school tutor is responsible for the coordination of the course learning and training of graduate students. The instructor of the practice unit is responsible for guiding the practice activities of graduate students. The in-school tutor and the instructor of the practice unit follow the collective training method, according to the requirements of the professional training program and the specific situation of each graduate student. , Develop a training plan and regularly check the implementation.

(3) Establish a joint training base for professional degree graduate students. Strengthen cooperation with the government, enterprises, institutions or entities, and promote the close connection between the training of professional degree graduate students and the actual needs of employers.

(4) Adopt a training method that combines course study, study practice and thesis research.

(5) Master students will be selected by teachers and students within one month after enrollment to determine their tutors. Under the guidance of the instructor, the research direction and personal training plan are determined according to the training plan of the discipline and the specific situation of the master student, and the subject is approved by the head of the discipline and reported to the college and graduate school for record. Submit the opening report in the second or third semester, and submit it to the school for approval after the instructor team's approval, and maintain a relatively stable;

(6) Non-Chinese pharmacy graduates or graduate students with equivalent academic ability, according to the regulations of the Graduate School of the school, must take up two relevant undergraduate professional courses, and must pass the examination.

8. Dissertation

After completing all the course credits of the training plan, the postgraduate students will enter the thesis work and complete the thesis credits and compulsory tasks in the graduate training process.

(1)Open the question

Graduate students should read relevant literature, especially foreign literature, not less than 20 articles, and write an opening report. The proposal report should include key issues such as the basis for the thesis topic selection, research plan, expected goals and results, and work plan. The opening of the topic is conducted in the form of academic reports, with the participation of professors or associate professors in the subject or similar disciplines, and organized by the college and teaching and research section.

(2) Mid-term assessment

The mid-term assessment should be conducted at the end of the third semester after enrollment, and the assessment will be organized by the tutor or tutor group.

(3) Paper review

Master's thesis must be approved by the supervisor before it can be reviewed by experts. For the specific requirements of thesis review, please refer to the "Implementation Rules for the Review of Graduate Dissertations of Henan University".

(4) Pre-defense and defense

Graduate students must pre-defense before the formal defense, and only those who pass can enter the defense process. The composition and procedures of the defense committee shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions in the "Working Rules for Degree Granting of Henan University".

9. Degree award

The research paper of Chinese pharmacy must be completed independently under the guidance of the supervisor (the number of words in the paper should not be less than 20,000 words), and there should be new insights on the research topic. The writing of the dissertation requires clear viewpoints, full and accurate information, sufficient evidence, appropriate methods and language And the logic conforms to the norm.

Graduate students who have completed all the credits in the training plan, passed the thesis defense, and published a CN-level academic thesis as the first author during the study period (if the supervisor is the first author, it can be postponed), then they will be allowed to graduate; reviewed by the academic degree evaluation subcommittee , The degree will be awarded after the school degree evaluation committee discusses and passes it. The degree award is implemented in accordance with the "Work Rules for Degree Awarding of Henan University" and relevant documents of degree management.
