January 1, 2021 Author:admin RETURN

1. Introduction

Pharmacy is a secondary discipline under the medical pharmacy discipline. It is a comprehensive technical science that studies the formulation design, basic theory, preparation technology and rational application of pharmaceutical preparations, and provides safe, stable and effective preparations for clinical use, so that it can play a role in prevention. Disease, treatment and diagnosis. With the development of science and technology, extensive exchanges with the world, the penetration of marginal disciplines, and the emergence and application of various new dosage forms and technologies, this major has become the focus of research in the field of pharmacy.

The Department of Pharmacy of Henan University is the earliest pharmaceutical preparation major in Henan Province, and the earliest approved second-level pharmacy master degree program of Henan University. It is a special advantage discipline of Henan University and the seventh batch of key disciplines in Henan Province; in Henan Province Pharmacy education has a high influence; the central and local governments jointly build a pharmaceutical preparation laboratory with a characteristic advantage in universities, which provides a better platform for cultivating research and application-oriented high-quality pharmaceutical professionals.

2. Research direction

(1) New drug dosage forms and new preparation technologies

(2) Modern drug delivery system and new preparation technology

(3) Nano drug delivery system and new formulations

(4) Pharmaceutical Affairs Management and Regulations

3. Training goals and basic requirements

Train high-level pharmacy talents who are facing the world, facing the future, and developing all-round moral, intellectual and physical, and serving the socialist modernization drive. The specific requirements are:

(1) Have a good grasp of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thoughts of the "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development, establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, abide by discipline and law, have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, Have good moral character and academic accomplishment.

(2) Master the solid basic theory and systematic professional knowledge of pharmaceutics, have a clear understanding of the current situation, development trends and frontier fields of the professional research field, and have the ability to independently engage in pharmaceutical scientific research, teaching or professional technical work .

(3) Master a foreign language and be able to use the foreign language to read the foreign language materials of the major systematically.

4. Enrollment target

Personnel with a bachelor's degree/college degree (or the equivalent of a bachelor's degree) in pharmacy and related majors in national education.

5. Study form and length of time

The form of study is full-time, and the length of study is 3 years. Course study is 1 year (two semesters), scientific research work and thesis writing time are 2 years, the dissertation is completed and the defense is passed.

6. Dissertation and degree award

Under the guidance of their supervisors, graduate students should study in a planned way, consult the literature and conduct necessary investigations, make a literature review and topic selection argumentation report, and determine the thesis topic before the end of the third semester with the approval of the supervisor and the teaching and research section. Conduct the the thesis opening report, explaining the domestic and foreign research status of the selected topic, the research content, the problems to be solved, the main research methods to be adopted, the innovation points of the project, the feasibility of the project, the schedule and the expected research results, etc.

The degree research paper must be completed independently under the guidance of the supervisor and passed the thesis defense. The dissertation should have certain academic significance and application value, and be innovative. The writing of the dissertation requires clear viewpoints, full and accurate information, sufficient arguments, appropriate methods, standard language and logic, and the dissertation is generally no less than 20,000 words; the dissertation defense is conducted in accordance with the "Interim Implementation Measures of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees", the defense committee After the approval, it is reported to the school's degree evaluation committee for deliberation and approval to be awarded a master's degree.

7. Training methods and methods

The college focuses on the ideological and political education of postgraduates. Postgraduates should actively participate in political learning, situation and task education, and public welfare activities organized by the postgraduate class and the department and teaching and research section (research office).

Within one month after enrollment, graduate students should take certain courses under the guidance of their instructors and submit the course training plan; in the third semester, submit the opening report, which is approved by the teaching and research section, and reported to the school for approval, and maintains relative stability; The school agrees, and the graduate school records.

Non-pharmaceutical graduates or graduate students with equivalent academic ability, according to the regulations of the school’s graduate school, must take up 2 undergraduate pharmacy professional courses and pass the examination.

After the completion of the master's course, a mid-term assessment will be conducted. Those who have good ideological and moral character and academic performance, and have certain scientific research capabilities can enter the master's thesis stage; those who have excellent ideological and moral character and academic performance and have a promising prospect for doctoral training are recommended by the college for study PhD degree.