January 1, 2021 Author:admin RETURN

1. Introduction

This discipline is a second-level discipline under the first-level discipline of medical pharmacy. It is the name, source (source), identification (authenticity identification and quality evaluation), active ingredients, pharmacological effects, production (cultivation), and production ( The science of collection, processing, processing), quality evaluation, resource development and utilization, and new drug creation. The main research contents are the varieties and sources of postgraduate medicines, the effective ingredients and their identification of crude drugs, and the resources of crude drugs and their sustainable development and utilization. Features of this discipline: carry out research on the sorting and standardization of crude drugs, formulate controllable quality standards, and better control the quality of crude drugs; use new methods to extract and isolate the active ingredients in crude drugs, and modify the structure and efficacy of their chemical components Study on activity and quality standards; use various analytical methods to monitor the production process of crude drugs, control and improve the quality of crude drugs from the source; emphasize the combination of basic research on research results and actual production, so that research results can be transformed into productivity as soon as possible, and actively develop crude drugs New drug creation research. Currently, there are 8 national public welfare projects, national science and technology support plan, national 948 project, key scientific and technological research projects of Henan Province, and science and technology research projects of the Education Department. In recent years, 12 national new drug projects have been completed and 8 national new drug certificates have been obtained. Provide technical support for the cultivation, production, circulation and application of crude drugs, provide safe, effective, and controllable quality crude drug preparations for the clinic, prescribe drug resources, and promote the modernization of crude drugs.

2. Research direction

(1) Evaluation of crude drug quality and new drug research

(2) Research on active ingredients of crude drugs and new drugs

(3) Research on crude drug resources

3. Training goals and basic requirements

Cultivate high-level pharmacognosy talents with Marxist-Leninist worldview and methodology, correct thinking, love of science, hard work, and comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, ability, and physique. In terms of business, the graduate students of this major should have a high ability to independently engage in scientific research, have a clear understanding of the current status, development trends and frontier fields of the professional research field, and have a solid basic theory and systematic knowledge of pharmacology in the discipline of pharmacology. Familiar with a foreign language and use computers and modern information tools; able to read the foreign literature of the major, and have the ability to publish papers in academic journals; the dissertation should have certain academic significance and application value, and have certain innovations Sex.

4. Enrollment target

Personnel with a bachelor's degree/college degree (or the equivalent of a bachelor's degree) in a national education sequence university.

5. Study form and length of time

The length of study is three years. One year to study a master's degree course and pass the exam. Engaged in scientific research for two years, completed the dissertation, and passed the defense.

6. Dissertation and degree award

Under the guidance of their supervisors, graduate students should study in a planned way, consult the literature, conduct necessary investigations, and make a literature review and topic selection argumentation report. After the supervisor and the teaching and research section review and agree, determine the thesis topic before the end of the third semester. Conduct the thesis opening report, explain the domestic and foreign research status, research content, problems to be solved, main research methods to be adopted, project innovations, project feasibility, schedule and expected research results, etc., and follow the "Henan The Interim Provisions on the Basic Requirements and Writing Formats of Graduate Dissertations for University Graduates" Standard Dissertation Formats.

Master's research thesis must be completed independently under the guidance of the supervisor. The thesis must reflect new insights and pass the thesis defense. The writing of the dissertation requires clear viewpoints, full and accurate information, sufficient arguments, appropriate methods, standard language and logic, and the dissertation is generally no less than 20,000 words; the dissertation defense is conducted in accordance with the "Interim Implementation Measures of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees", the defense committee After the approval, it is reported to the school's degree evaluation committee for deliberation and approval to be awarded a master's degree.

7. Training methods and methods

The college focuses on the ideological and political education of postgraduates. Postgraduates should actively participate in political learning, situation and task education, and public welfare activities organized by the postgraduate class and the department and teaching and research section (research office).

Within one month after enrollment, graduate students should take certain courses under the guidance of their supervisors, and submit the course training plan; in the third semester, submit the opening report, which is approved by the supervisor group, submitted to the school for approval, and maintains relative stability; if it is necessary to increase or decrease, Report to the school for approval and the graduate school for the record.

Non-pharmaceutical graduates or graduate students with equivalent academic qualifications, according to the regulations of the Graduate School of the school, must take 2 undergraduate courses of Chinese pharmacy and pass the examination.

After the completion of the master's course, a mid-term assessment will be conducted. Those with good ideological, moral, and academic performance, and certain scientific research capabilities can enter the master's thesis stage.

Next:Medicinal Chemistry(100701)