Medicinal Chemistry(100701)
January 1, 2021 Author:admin RETURN

1. Introduction

This discipline is a secondary discipline under the medical pharmacy discipline. It is a discipline based on the design, synthesis and research of drugs for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases based on a variety of chemistry and biology disciplines. This major has 400MHz nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, liquid-mass spectrometer, high performance liquid chromatograph, gas chromatograph, infrared absorption spectrometer, element analyzer, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer and many other analytical instruments. At present, the discipline of medicinal chemistry has published more than 60 academic papers of important value at home and abroad, of which more than 30 are collected by SCI and EI. It has undertaken important projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, key scientific and technological research projects in Henan Province, and the Department of Education. The Master's Program of Medicinal Chemistry has established good cooperative relations with domestic and foreign universities, scientific research units and pharmaceutical companies, and has achieved remarkable results. It has cultivated high-level talents for the pharmaceutical industry and promoted the development of the pharmaceutical industry.

2. Research direction

(1) Anti-tumor and cardiovascular drug design and synthesis research

(2) Research on the design and synthesis of anti-infective drugs

(3) Chiral drug design and synthesis research 

3. Training goals and basic requirements

With the development of science and technology, the penetration of marginal disciplines, and the emergence and application of various new methods and technologies, this major has become the focus of research in the field of pharmacy.

Political goal To train high-level pharmacy talents with Marxist-Leninist worldview and methodology, correct thinking, love of science, hard work, and comprehensive development of moral, intellectual and physical.

Business Objectives The master's degree students of this major should have a high ability to independently engage in scientific research, have a clear understanding of the current situation, development trends and frontiers of the professional research field, master solid basic theories and systematic pharmacy knowledge in pharmacy, and be relatively proficient Have a good command of a foreign language and use computers and modern information tools; be able to read the foreign literature of the major and have the ability to publish papers in academic journals; the dissertation should have a certain academic significance and application value, and be innovative.

4. Enrollment target

Personnel with a bachelor's degree/college degree (or the equivalent of a bachelor's degree) in a national education sequence university.

5. Study form and length of time

The length of study is three years. One to one and a half years to study a master's degree course and pass the exam. One and a half to two years engaged in scientific research, completed the dissertation, and passed the defense.

Depending on the completion of degree courses and dissertations, graduation can be appropriately advanced or extended (from six months to one year) upon application, consent of the supervisor, and approval of the school.

6. Dissertation and degree award

Under the guidance of their supervisors, graduate students should study in a planned way, consult the literature and conduct necessary investigations, make a literature review and topic selection argumentation report, and determine the thesis topic before the end of the third semester with the approval of the supervisor and the teaching and research section. Conduct the thesis opening report, explaining the domestic and foreign research status of the selected topic, the research content, the problems to be solved, the main research methods to be adopted, the innovation points of the project, the feasibility of the project, the schedule and the expected research results, etc.

Tutors and expert groups should strictly control the topic selection of the thesis, and strengthen the guidance and supervision of the thesis writing. The dissertation should have a certain meaning in theory or practical application. The concept should be accurate, the reasoning should be rigorous, the semantics understood, the data should be reliable, the structure should be complete, and new insights should be provided. The dissertation is generally no less than 20,000 words. A pre-answer is required before the formal defense. Henan University must be the first unit to publish papers or results, and two research papers must be officially published by postgraduates who graduate early.

7. Training methods and methods

The college focuses on the ideological and political education of postgraduates. Postgraduates should actively participate in political learning, situation and task education, and public welfare activities organized by the postgraduate class and the department and teaching and research section (research office).

Within one month after enrollment, graduate students should take certain courses under the guidance of their instructors and submit the course training plan; in the third semester, submit the opening report, which is approved by the teaching and research section, and reported to the school for approval, and maintains relative stability; The school agrees, and the graduate school records.

Non-pharmaceutical graduates or graduate students with equivalent academic ability, according to the regulations of the school’s graduate school, must take up 2 undergraduate professional courses in medicinal chemistry and must pass the exam.

After the completion of the master’s course, a mid-term assessment will be conducted. Those with excellent ideological and moral character and academic performance are encouraged and recommended by the college to study for a doctoral degree; those with good ideological morality and academic performance and certain scientific research capabilities can enter Master's degree thesis stage.